Internationaal > South-Africa
An innovative and practice-based International Training Programme (ITP) for teacher trainers to promote educational inclusion while respecting intercultural identity.
Ecuador, Cambodja, South-Africa and Ethopia
Universidad Técnica del Norte (Ecuador)
Royal University of Phnom Penh (Cambodia
North-West University (South Africa)
Jimma University (Ethiopia)
Duration project - 01/01/2023 > 31/12/2025 (ongoing)
Type project - International Training Programme (ITP)
Flemish promotor​
Anniek Orye
Partner promotor
Multiple Team Members
Project managers​
Sofie Molemans
Lieve Cuypers
Teacher education is the main pathway to ensure that changes can be sustained over time and for several generations. The 4 South-partners of Ecuador, Cambodia, South Africa and Ethiopia will collaborate with PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts to offer a communal innovative and practice-based International Training Programme for teacher trainers and pre-service students. From every university at least two Teacher Trainers, where at least 40% of all candidates are female. Through the enrolment of all participants (future change agents) in an e-course, during the pre-training programme, we create a Professional Learning Community (PLC). During a specific training week, and in cooperation with LABIOMISTA, participants will collaborate on educational topics and exchange inclusive teaching practices. Also, a practice-based culturally sensitive framework and hands-on toolkit will be introduced as a ‘guideline’ for future lesson plans. During the post-training programme participants stay connected through the e-course and the project of ‘My Equator’.
Project website